Contegra Inc.
14033 Commerce Ave. NE
Suite 300-405
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Phone: (651)905-0900
Fax: (651)454-4665
Near you ...
Contegra's products are sold and supported by manufacturer's Representatives located across the USA. Please contact Contegra for the name and contact information for the Representative near you.
We're looking ...
Contegra is looking for representatives who are familiar with the water and wastewater market. Please contact Contegra if your firm is interested in representing Contegra's line of liquid level sensors and pump controllers.
1) Contegra and Station Master are registered trademarks of Contegra Inc.
2) Ropellant, Laminex, "Intelligent Design" and "Beyond Complexity to Simplicity" are
trademarks of Contegra Inc.